Author Interview: P.D. Atkerson

Image from Pixabay

Last week, I reviewed Deadlock by P.D. Atkerson. Man, that book was exciting! You can check out my review here. Today, I’m happy to have the chance to interview P.D. on the blog. Before I ramble more, here’s the interview 😀

The Interview

Kristina: What inspired you to first start writing?

PD: I think it was the ‘One Year Adventure Novel’ that got me started. When I was little, I actually hated writing.

Kristina: How did you decide to publish?

PD: I actually found out about self-publishing through Amazon a couple of years before I had anything close to a finished novel.

Kristina: What author(s) has (have) been most influential to your writing style?

PD: That’s a hard one, and I’m actually not sure. I don’t think I can pick out any specific ones.

Kristina: I love the plot in Deadlock? How did you come up with it?

PD: That one actually formed slowly over time, in my head. Gregory (the main character) is actually a side character from the AKA Simon Lee series of mine.

Kristina: What has been the most exciting moment of your writing journey so far?

PD: It’s kind of silly, but a few weeks ago someone bought one of my books through a third party. It was really exciting for me.

Kristina: The characters in Deadlock were great! How do you go about creating your characters?

PD: Not to sound like a crazy person, but most of them create themselves, and I just go along for the ride. Some of the time, I use pictures for inspiration.

Kristina: What is your favorite part of the writing process? Your least favorite?

PD: My favorite part would probably be finishing a story. My least would probably be the editing that comes after. LOL

Kristina: What’s your current project? When do you expect it to be available?

PD: Well, I’ve actually got a few projects going on right now. But my next one to come out is a girl spy book, and it comes out September 6th.

Kristina: What idea do you want readers to take away from your current project?

PD: Ugh. I’m terrible at picking out a theme or anything like that. But I guess… that things aren’t always what they seem.

Kristina: What’s your best writing tip?

PD: I know it’s been said a billion times before, but write what you want to read. Because if you don’t enjoy it, other people probably aren’t going to either.

About the Author

P.D. Atkerson is a homeschooled writer, living in Montana. She spends almost as much time in the worlds she creates as she does the real one.

When she’s not reporting the stories of Simon Lee and other heroes, she’s making cakes, learning Russian or traveling to different worlds through the portals of books. She has a black belt in sarcasm and a master’s degree in useless facts.

If you’re interested in reading any of her books for an honest review, just fill out the form here.





Published by Kristina Hall

Kristina Hall is a sinner saved by grace who seeks to glorify God with her words. Things Not Seen is her debut novel. She is a homeschool graduate and holds a degree in accounting. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, arm wrestling, and lifting weights.

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